Weekly Market Review (13 Aug 2019)
Weekly Market Review (13 Aug 2019)

Weekly Market Review (13 Aug 2019)

  • Regional markets were generally weaker while Dow Jones gained 0.7% to 25,897.71 points due to ongoing trade concern between US and China coupled with US bond yield hitting all time low.
  • The FBM KLCI managed a small rebound following sell down of our market, inching up 4.6 points or 0.29% for the week to 1,615.05. Foreign funds continued its risk off mode among emerging markets with RM1.03bn weekly net outflow.
  • Performance amongst the FBMKLCI components saw 23 gainers to 6 losers. Top 3 performers include SimePlant (+4.94%), RHB (+4.88%) and MAHB (+3.16%) while the 3 losers were GENM (-10.80%), Genting (-6.78%) and HLFG (-1.37%).