Weekly Market Review (29 July 2019)
Weekly Market Review (29 July 2019)

Weekly Market Review (29 July 2019)

  • Regional markets were mixed last week with the Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.99% and the Dow inched up 0.08% to 27,192.45 points. The FBM KLCI remains on profit taking mode easing 7.4 points for the week to 1,647.96.
  • Foreign funds flow was negative for the week with RM53.4m net outflow. Performance amongst the FBMKLCI components saw 24 losers to 5 gainers.
  • Top 3 performers include GENM (+16.07%), GENTING (+7.13%) and PMETAL (+3.11%) while the 3 losers were PETGAS (-4.02%), SIME (-2.23%) and AMMB (-2.08%).