• Date
    18 Oct 2019 - 20 Oct 2019
  • Time
    10AM - 10PM
  • Venue
    Mid Valley Exhibition Hall 1
18 October 2019 - 20 October 2019

InvestSmart Fest 2019

InvestSmart® Fest 2019 brings together capital market institutions, associations, industry players and relevant agencies under one roof with a view to create awareness and opportunities in the Malaysian capital market. 

For the first time this year Securities Commision Malaysia have a dedicated section called “Digital Pavilion” where they will host all the digital players and create awareness on alternative market-based opportunities. 

Rakuten Trade has a booth at the “Digital Pavilion”. If you are keen to open a trading account with us or any enquiries, feel free to drop by our booth (10AM-10PM).

Hope to see you there!

More Info: click HERE!